Join Dave — Dave Cornthwaite

Each year I host a variety of events, workshops, get togethers, adventures and retreats, if you'd like to join me just get in touch via the contact page:


A community of doers founded under SayYesMore's philosophy of making life memorable and having a positive impact. Jump on the Facebook group and find a group of like-minded who like taking life by the scruff of the neck.


The annual SayYesMore festival is held in October and boasts a line-up of over 30 speakers from the world of adventure, nature, science and entrepreneurship. Get your tickets now!


A series of workshops on a boat geared around getting braver, working efficiently, making a positive impact in work and play, and developing motivation and efficiency just by opening your eyes each morning!


A week-long escape to the beautiful east coast of Iceland. Part adventure, part retreat, all mind blowingly special

Yestival 2017 is held on the 20-22 October weekend in a field of dreams in Sussex. Join us!

Yestival 2017 is held on the 20-22 October weekend in a field of dreams in Sussex. Join us!

The YesTribe Story

In the Summer of 2015 Dave decided to try and turn his Facebook audience into real people. A first invite to go camping for a night was met by 19 people. The next week twenty five. And on and on throughout the Summer right up until the most wonderful conclusion, Yestival.

Something wonderful had happened. This growing group of strangers had become friends and suddenly  people were growing in confidence, supported and encouraged by city-livers who realised the importance in the great outdoors. 

Adventures were taken on, jobs that made Mondays sad were quit, new paths forged and friendships blossomed. 2015 was the Summer the YesTribe was formed and it's not going anywhere fast.

Tune in to the YesTribe page on Facebook to find out about our next events, campouts, projects, retreats and adventures. And of course, to hear more about Yestival 2016.


Click here for FAQs on YesTribe campouts

A Summer of Camping in 2015 - The Origins of the YesTribe

We still hold regular free campouts, often near London. Check out the events tab towards the top of the YesTribe Facebook Group and come say hi!



Frisbee, boomerang, a nearby castle, beautiful views, camera drone lessons and some yummy food of all types!



A one-night campout with good people to celebrate the end of a week, with fish n chips and a castle thrown in for good measure. It's the beginning of a weekend, so no better time to hatch multiple life-changing plans. 

Please sign up using the form below. ONLY bivvy bags on this campout!



A one-night, end of week wild camp micro adventure for YesTribers. We discovered a new (and gorgeous spot), woke in a cloud and slowly the sun melted the mist out of the valley below. Great views, fresh air, another 20 Tribers added to the list, then back into London by 10am for the weekend!


A little night in some woods not too far from London. Our record turnout of 34 people, over half of them new to the #SummerSeries. The tribe is growing, spirits are high, plans are forming. 


A one-night, midweek wild camp micro adventure. From Waterloo to a Surrey train station, then a ten minute walk into the woods. Gorgeous! 

17-19 JULY: A little SUP along THe upper thames

Another team of 12 humans totally new to paddle boarding. Two nights and two days enjoying a little paddle on England's biggest river, weaving our way downstream towards Oxford. Perfect.

3-5 JULY: A Little SUP in cornwall

It’s time for a little paddle! Along with the founders of Origin Paddleboards and adventure Ian Pricket's Vertical Blue SUP company, we hosted a delightful (and slightly windy) weekend of coastal and river paddle boarding, overnighting in a couple of lovely campsites just a few metres from the water. 

Here's a lovely blog by Terri Witherden about an old love for Cornwall and a new love for SUP!


Another Friday night campout, with some of the group taking a short train from Liverpool St and another cycling from London. We met in the deliciously pretty Lea Valley and found ourself a field full of long grass to hide in. Eventually we broke cover with a session of painting in the darkness by torchlight, brilliant!

Find out how it feels to take a maiden Bivi Bag voyage in this blog by Terri Witherden

19-21 JUNE: a little paddle on the thames to ceelbrate the SOLSTICE

A nineteen-strong group (mostly beginners) took to the River Thames on inflatable paddleboards, for a little paddle. Two nights of camping and 25 miles of river travel. Organised alongside Annie from, this was a brilliant weekend - just check out the film below...

Two of our armada wrote blogs about the weekend. Here's one from Anna, and another from Justine.

SUP team Thames.jpg

13-14 JUNE: FILM-making workshop IN WALES

We enjoyed a lovely weekend in the gorgeous valleys near Llangollen in Wales.

Walking, talking and learning how to film and share adventures, check out the film for a taste of the weekend.



15 people enjoyed a delicious evening of fun, conversation & wild camping in woods a short train ride from North London.

See photos from the evening and get into the spirit with this great blog by Elise Downing.

And Tom Hough tells us why we should say yes more.